I have been neglecting the blog world hoping that my husband would write his highly anticipated, sure to be riddled with HUGE words, caregiver point-of-view blog post. However, after 19 years of being together and almost 10 years of marriage, I should know that he does things in his own time. So, I cannot tell you when it will happen but it will happen...someday.
I have been thinking a lot about the images we give the outside world. We make our lives seem perfect, but the truth is we all have our issues. Whether, it is mental or physical health, money, relationship issues, a difficult child, or whatever it may be. I wish we could cut each other a bit of slack, and offer some empathy. We can be very hard on each other, especially women. We all make mistakes, we all have problems, we are all humans, but we are all loved. There is no such thing as perfection, and striving for it is what makes us all jealous, tired, stressed, and overall nuts. I was once told that while we want our children to grow up and be successful human beings, we must put ourselves first. It is by far the hardest thing to do. I want to give my daughter EVERYTHING! I have to remind myself that my job is to teach her how to fly, not fly for her. She needs to be strong, independent, and also compassionate. I hope that she will be empathetic to others and remember that everyone has their own story.
A friend of mine has recently been touched by sorrow and worry. I am praying everyday that she finds peace and receives good news. Finding blessings in the little things is what makes the days a little easier. I hope her days are gradually getting easier.
I hope that all your lives are rejuvenating as the weather does. It makes it much easier when the days are warmer and the sun is out longer.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day:
"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time -- a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic."~~By Adrienne Cook.~~
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