Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stepping Out

I made a big step last night. I was a model for the Images and Information fashion show promoting breast cancer awareness. All of the models and greeters were survivors. It was absolutely amazing to see all of those survivors and current warriors in one room. Inspirational! Everyone was so wonderful, very helpful and nice to the newbie!!! I actually had fun. I was very nervous and unsure of whether I wanted to participate, but I am glad that I did. It was wonderful.

A big thank you to my DH and daughter for encouraging me to participate. Also to my dad for coming to support me and take LOTS of embarrassing pictures. I will be sure to post a few when I get them.

The final speech was given by a very inspiring woman who has been diagnosed with incurable breast cancer. Her outlook on life and the cards she has been dealt is unbelievable. I met her last night before she spoke and I had no idea this woman was dying. She is full of life and hilarious! She has decided to live each day to the fullest and let what is happening happen. She is dying with grace and I am honored to have met her.

I think of the times when I was down about everything that happened to me, asking why and crying, and though at the time it was necessary (we all need a pity party once in a while), I now realize I should have focused during those times on the fact that I would eventually feel better and I was going to survive. This woman is trying everything to survive as long as possible, but eventually the end will come. Just as it does for another woman every 75 seconds!

I was amazed when I saw this statistic. Every 75 seconds!!! With all the awareness, research, and money we are still losing a woman every 75 seconds to breast cancer. This proves how important all the exams and self-awareness are. Remember you know your body better than anyone, you know when things just aren't right. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to get it checked out. It better to know and deal with it, then to find out when it's too late.

My favorite outfit! Love the shoes!!

Very fall! Not my fav, but still cute!

Tatum taking a turn on the catwalk! She's a natural!


  1. That is awesome! You are so courageous! It's so weird that as Kyla and I were driving home from Target today, I was thinking about self breast exams and how important they are. I had a lump removed in 2006. Luckily it was benign, but I wish everyone knew the importance of self exams! Thank you for being so brave to share your story!


  2. Katie, you look beautiful in these pictures! That was so great that you participated in something like this!

    Tatum does look like a natural!! :)


