Monday, November 7, 2011

Beautiful Words

I received an amazing email from my DH's Aunt. She too, is a cancer survivor and we share a very special kinship because of it. Her words are very uplifting and hopeful. I appreciate all of the prayers and love she has shown me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Dear Katie, A few weeks ago, I responded to your blog thinking I could just go on and write to you. However, after I wrote, I didn’t see that it ever posted, so I wonder if I had to have a g-mail account or something. Anyway, I have continued to go on your blog periodically and read (thank you for sharing it with me), so I wanted to write you a note.

The minute I learned a few years ago that you had been diagnosed with cancer my heart immediately hurt for you. As you indicated in your blog, to face such a diagnosis at such a young age is so difficult, and I often wonder why. I faced cancer at age 52, and that seemed young enough to me, but you (and now Shannon) are so much younger. I know cancer was a word that I hoped never to hear in relation to myself or family member……….and yet there it was. When I read your blog, Katie, you mention you are a worrier, and, yet having been around you, I never would have guessed it. You are always a happy, positive, upbeat person. However, I do know about presenting a “face’ for others, so they don’t worry and yet having those trembling feelings on the inside. My faith and strength from God as well as the love of family and friends has helped me become stronger. Dr. Lindsey, my regular doctor, whom I love dearly, told me shortly after the diagnosis not to continue to live my life waiting for “the other shoe to drop”. He said none of us have any guarantees, and someone could walk in front of a car tomorrow and have life be over. He told me to get out there and live life to the fullest, so I decided to go for it and take his advice. His advice along with a counselor friend that I went to after being diagnosed helped me to stay focused on each day and living it to the fullest. She asked me if I knew what the most powerful healing emotion was, and I guessed compassion or love. She said it was gratitude and that studies had been done on it, and they were finding it very powerful in healing the body and spirit. I left her office that day, went out and bought a notebook and started my first journal. Each day I write about my day, what’s happened, feelings etc., and end with 5 things I am grateful for. I have filled many journals, but when I begin a new one, I do destroy the old one as I feel these are my feelings. I recently ran into her in the grocery store and told her how I had followed her advice. She told me she felt that had a lot to do with how healthy my immune system has stayed. I don’t really talk to a lot of people about what the UW specialist said to me when I was referred to him after diagnosis. He said (and the research I have done) indicates that the cancer I have strikes 6 in 1,00,000 people (I always thought with odds like that I should stand a pretty good chance of winning the lotteryJ) and usually strikes those with fair skin and blue eyes….neither of which I have. The best rate of it not returning was to find it early. Unfortunately, since I had an eye doctor who didn’t dilate my eyes, even though I wore glasses and who told me to go get drops for dry eye when I said I felt something was wrong with my vision, I will never know how long I had it in my eye. It was only because I pursued it that I am even here today. By the time they found it, it was considered a good sized medium tumor. Dealing with being blind has made me so appreciative that I have the sight in one eye. Katie, I know worries can overcome. I am sure each time a check-up rolls around that worry creeps even closer (I swear my heart rate goes up and so does my blood pressure just even seeing someone in a white coat) but I also know you are a FIGHTER who will continue to meet each day and win. I try to always tell myself if I am worrying, I am not trusting in God to take care of me. Your blog is heart wrenching and also heart-warming. You have a wonderful way of expressing your emotions. I am so proud of you, the strong woman you are and the way you have dealt with such a terrible blow at such a young age. Hurray to you and Erin for teaching Tatum (she’s an adorable little girl) to be tolerant and respectful of the differences in others. It is one of my personal pet peeves in those who aren’t. I am so sad that someone reacted to you in the bookstore the way they did. Our society has become way too critical of others without ever knowing what path their life is on. You have a wonderful bond of love with Erin and Tatum that will continue to strengthen and grow, one that cancer can’t ever touch or take away. Recently, I read two sayings that I really embraced:

“We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing each other” -----I hope you feel the embrace of my (our) love , support and encouragement each day.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the rain to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”------I pray there are many joyous moments of dancing ahead for you.

Katie, if you (and Erin and Tatum) ever need anything, please know we are here for you. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t pray for/think about you. I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

We have been blessed to be related by marriage and SURVIVORS OF CANCER!

With many blessings and much love, Joyce

Thank you, Joyce, for your beautiful words. You are an amazing inspiration and I am honored to have you in my life.

1 comment:

  1. That was such a sweet note, Katie! Thanks for sharing!!


