Saturday, January 7, 2012

BAD Blogger!!!

Hello Everyone! Remember me??? I am a terrible blogger. I am having a hard time with it because my life is not very interesting. Plus I feel that I have backed myself into a corner with this blog and am unsure if I should only write about having/surviving cancer or if I should just write about whatever I want. Anyways, I guess I will take the write whatever I want approach today and see how it goes!!

On a survivor note, I have been having TERRIBLE joint pain. I have read that it can be a long term side effect of chemo. It comes and goes, but when it comes it is no fun. Ok, that is my whine for the day.

Life here has been steady. Christmas was fantastic! We have a wonderful time with family and friends. Unfortunately a few members were missing and we were definitely missing them! Still it was a great time had by all. Plus, the weather here is AMAZING!!! I know that we are going to get nailed soon, so we must enjoy it while we can.

I am starting a book club (on Facebook) with some of my relatives. We are reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. It was an Oprah Book Club choice a couple of years ago and I purchased it then. Of course, I never took the time to read it so I am excited to finally get going on it. I read the first hand full of pages last night and it is amazingly written. I hope that it meets all of my expectations.

I have been debating New Year's resolutions. I want to pick something that I actually have a chance of fulfilling. I am going to go with reading and blogging more. I hope that you are all excited to hear that. You will get to hear from me more!!! YEAH!!! I will probably be writing about whatever book I am reading (a lot of the time) and you are all more than welcome to read along if you like. Post questions, start discussions, etc... If you have any suggestions for good books, I would love to hear them.

Thank you all again for reading what I have to say. It's not always happy-go-lucky, but it is honest. Happy New Year to each and everyone of you! I hope this new year brings us all happiness, good health, and only GOOD reasons to wear pink!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked into any herbal supplements that can help combat joint pain? I will do some research & let you know what I find out.


