Sunday, July 15, 2012


WOW! Where have I been??? My DH said he killed the blog, and I am thinking he is right. How do I follow  such beautiful words? Amazing! I wish I had his writing abilities. I have said this before, but I am going to strive to do better with my blog. I don't know if people are really interested in my life, but I will put it out there. Besides, it is good therapy for me. "Why I Wear Pink" is the title of my blog, and my biggest reason for wearing pink is my life and everyone in it. So while I will still talk about my journey as a cancer survivor, I will also just talk about life and where it is taking me. Read or don't, that's ok. You might not like everything I have to say, but just remember it is my opinion and I'm not here to offend anyone. Now, on to my post...

I have become obsessed with the TV show "How I Met Your Mother"! I love it! Because of this, I have decided to write a "How I Met My DH" post. I know you are all excited!!!

I met my DH in high school. I was a freshman and he was a senior. We started talking during musical practice, and he drove me home a few times. Then our football team headed to the playoffs and eventually the state finals, and I was bold enough to ask for his jersey and Letterman jacket. However, we almost didn't get together. The night of the state championship we were suppose to hang out together for the first time and he showed up 2 hours late!!! But I forgave him and decided to become his girlfriend anyways. We chose to stay together while he went to college and I finished high school. It wasn't easy and not everyone was happy about it, but we made it through. He even came back and went to my Junior Prom with me. After I graduated high school, we hit a little rough patch. We decided (well, I decided) we needed to separate and see if life brought us back together. Amazingly, after 4 months it did! We lived in a VERY long distant (4 hours apart) relationship for 4 years. We only saw each other about once a month, but we made it through. Then at Christmas of 2000, my DH popped the question. He hid a ring in an ornament on the Christmas tree, and wrote a note in a card (I love my writer). Of course, I said yes and the craziness began. Planning and plotting a beautiful wedding, set in our hometown, in August of 2002. It was a great day, with only minor hiccups. The best part was that I got to start my life with my best friend. I love him!

Now, 10 years later, we have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl. She is our whole life and we love her with all of our hearts. I wish we were able to add another to our crew, but it may not happen, and that's ok. We are so happy with the life we have and it will only get better. We have seen our ups and downs, and one giant blow, but we now know we can survive anything as long as we do it together.

I love him and her.


  1. I was thinking, man, I don't know what that title stands for, I'm so behind on times! :)

    Love the story!

  2. They always shorten "How I Met Your Mother" to HIMYM, so I shortened mine to "How I Met My DH" HIMMDH!!! LOL! Love that show!!! If you get NetFlix, the whole series is on there. Very funny!

    Hope you are well! Take care. Thanks for reading!


