Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I am still on Mouse Watch! I'm sure when I decide that he is good and gone, he will return to terrorize me. I will keep you all posted!

Well I have a surprise for my readers. My DH (Darling Husband) is going to be a guest blogger soon. I am very excited about this! He is the writer in the family and I am sure you will need your dictionaries and proper grammar notes to get through it, but it will be perfect. I have been hoping for questions from my readers (hint-hint) and so far my sister is the only one to submit any. So in talking to my DH and asking if there was anything he would like to read about, we decided that he should write a post. He has a much different perspective as the caregiver of a cancer survivor and I can't wait to see what he has to say. So look for that to be coming soon!!!

Otherwise things here have been pretty quiet. My tattoo is healing perfectly, and my joints have been feeling pretty good. My arms bother me the most, but it isn't unbearable most days. DH and I have been fighting head colds for the last few days, just like a lot of people. And now, I am hoping DD (Darling Daughter) doesn't get it soon.

My DD keeps telling me that my tattoo isn't coming off yet (she only knows fake tattoos) and I have been trying to explain to her what a real tattoo is. All I get in response is, "So it's NEVER gonna go away?!?!" It's pretty funny, especially when I was having her wash it before bed for me (because it is just out of reach) and she would keep saying "Mom, it's not coming off. Don't you want it to come off?" Pretty cute! I forget how innocent she is sometimes.

My cancer note for the day:
I learned the other day that an amazing, inspirational person in my life had a recurrence of breast cancer just before Christmas. I was so sad to learn that she was forced to face such an evil disease again, but relieved to know that she has beaten it again. I thank God almost every day that this person was/is part of my life, and though I do not see her enough now as I would like, I am grateful for everything she has taught me and continues to do with her strength and grace.


  1. Can't wait to hear the hubby's post! :)

    Sorry to hear about your friend, Katie!

  2. How did you explain to DD what was happening to you? There's a ? for you Katie. :)


